wooly winter

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In With the New.......

Lets see if i can squeeze a quick post in before heading in to surgery this morning.

John was able to get me a few photos of the morning he left to go back to school from his "smart phone" and e-mailed them to me. 

We celebrated his 24th birthday the night before a week or so early.....and this is the hat is was hoping for.  I know....what can I say except we all have our own quirky fashion statements i guess!!

The piece I made the piece i am wearing out of twisted fabric flowers and an old doily, just to entertain myself.  And i like it just as much as John likes his bearded beanie ;D 

it sure is quiet now that everyone is back to college in their respective states. 

Thank you for your prayers!!

my grandson share our love for fashion