wooly winter

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cards for the Hen House Paperie Class

What a month it has been for us!!

Maggie turned 21 on the 16th!!  Tonight she is having some of her nursing student friends over for fun here at the house.  She is such a blessing and a lovely woman!!!  And in a year?......she will be one of Albuquerque's newest R.N.s.  I can promise you she will be a great one!!

John has begun grad school and work at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, and David has made his move to Dallas, Texas to begin school at the University of Texas in Dallas.  He is studying International Business there.

How about some cards.............!

This Saturday afternoon I will be teaching a class where we will use one Unity stamp set to make three fun cards.  Each card will use a different technique on it.

Class will be from 3-5pm this Saturday at the Hen House Paperie.  I hope to see you there!!


  1. What an amazing group of accomplished {kids} you have, you must be so proud! I'm loving the homespun charm of your class cards. Here's to everyone having a wonderful time in your class!

  2. Love hearing about your family, Kathy - your kids are doing well! And I LOVE these cards! Love the common elements, yet each one is so different!

  3. Hi Kathy! Congratulations on all of the exciting things going on with the kids. You must be so proud :) These cards are fantastic! Love the beautiful details on each one. I be this was a wonderful class. We must get together soon :)
